Wednesday, July 2, 2014


It pours down from clouds
Makes ur heart sing loud
In the form of droplets
Blushes many scarlets
Reaches the ground
Makes a sweet sound
Blends with the river
Flows with a quiver
Freshens the air
Brings a new flair
Heals sorrows n pain
That's what we call rain

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

My tribute to 'The pursuit of happyness'

"Happiness is a virtue that one can only pursue but never have it."
We often go through this emotional turmoil in our lives. We look around and find people happier than what we are and wonder why we can't be like them. Sometimes we hit the rock-bottom so hard that a flat deserted surface seems like a heaven. Happiness itself is a complex emotion. For some its a natural process because positive events occur in their lives and make them happy. For the rest it just remains a state of mind. They wake up every morning and say to themselves, 'today is going to be a great day' and when they come back at night they are thankful about the fact that they survived. For them it is just a matter of hope that one day they will be happy for real and they wont have to fool themselves every morning.
We all make this mistake. We all look around and identify people with more leisure and luxury than what we have. We find their position enviable and almost end up imagining ourselves in their shoes. What if we do the opposite? Will life be any different then? What if we look around and identify people who are less fortunate than we are. We might feel terrible for a moment after witnessing their miseries. If we are in position we might lend a helping hand despite our limitations. And the feeling that may arouse after helping someone may be close to the ultimate feeling of joy. This joy of giving despite our atrocities may be the small part of our life we are looking for. And that very small part of our life is called "Happyness".