Tuesday, December 9, 2014

The Waiting

Some are waiting for sun to shine
Some are waiting for your smile
Some are waiting for a place to dine
Some are waiting to walk a mile

Some are waiting for thoughts to flow
Some are waiting for their phoenix to rise
Some are waiting for their lives to glow
Some are waiting to get old and wise

Some are waiting for a train to arrive
Some are waiting for rain to go
Some are waiting for a life to thrive
Some are waiting for a yes or a no

Some are waiting for good wishes
Some are waiting to just get in
Some are waiting to fix glitches
Some are waiting to live and win.


Thursday, December 4, 2014

Everything to nothing

Everything to nothing

I happened to tell someone that, to me she's everything
I can be accountable for anything
If she feels something
Else my life will mean nothing.

She replied to me in quest, what is everything
Does it end at anything
Limited by something
Or its jz nothing.

Perplexed about this, I analyzed everything
Tried to find anything
Hoping for something
Ended up with nothing.

She sensed my battle for everything
Left without saying anything
Taught me something
Which was better than nothing.
